# Optimizing Luma legacy anyway
# What is Luma legacy? - `Magento/luma` theme - `Magento/blank` theme - Any other legacy theme Or: Any theme that is based on XML layout, PHTML templates, Block classes, LESS-based CSS, RequireJS, KnockoutJS, jQuery and the rest of the blob
# Luma dissected
# Luma stack (server-based) - XML layout - Block classes - ViewModel classes - PHTML templates So how does this perform?
# With the right tuning: Excellent
# Quick tips for development - Enable all caching - Except Full Page Cache - Use Mage2TV Cache Cleaner - Use XDebug only On-Demand - Enable Zend OPC - Use Redis for caching - Test for Full Page Cache - Beware of `cacheable=true`
# Quick tips for production - Enable all caching - Including Full Page Cache, ideally via Varnish - Disable XDebug - Enable Zend OPC - Use Redis for caching - Tune MySQL - Compress everything - Downsize images - Serve fonts locally
# Luma stack (client-based) - JavaScript - RequireJS - KnockoutJS - jQuery - CSS - Generated via LESS So how does this perform?
# With the right tuning: Okayish
# Core Web Vitals - First Input Delay (FID) - Measures interactivity - Within 100 milliseconds - Largest Contentful Paint (LCP) - Measures loading performance - Within 2.5 seconds - Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS) - Measures visual stability - 0.1 or less
# Reporting tools - Google Lighthouse - Google PageSpeed Insights - GTmetrix - Pingdom - Web Page Test
# The problem of RequireJS - Async loading - Enormous waterfall of resources - Too many resources - And you benefit less/little from HTTP2 And it is old
# The problem of KnockoutJS - Lazyloaded via RequireJS - No VirtualDOM - Magento made a mess of it And it is old
# The problem of jQuery - jQuery 3 is not supported (yet) - So we are using jQuery 1 which is larger - jQuery UI modularization is not supported by all extensions - So we are using jQuery UI in full which is huge And it is old
# jQuery UI modularization Bad: ```js define([ 'jquery', 'jquery/ui' ], function() { ... }); ``` Good: ```js define([ 'jquery', 'jquery-ui-modules/datepicker' ], function() { ... }); ``` See `lib/web/jquery/compat.js`
# The problem of LESS/CSS - Weird responsiveness with recursive loop - Badly organized - Too many files And LESS is old
# So let's optimize Luma legacy anyway
# My own experimental optimizations - [yireo-training/Yireo_OptimizedTheme](https://github.com/yireo-training/Yireo_OptimizedTheme) - Removing unneeded things like `calendar.css` and others - Knockout replacements - [yireo-training/magento2-example-jquery-upgrade](https://github.com/yireo-training/magento2-example-jquery-upgrade) - Upgrade jQuery 1 to jQuery 3 - Do NOT use it. The jQuery UI library shipped is too large. - [yireo/Yireo_FasterScriptLoader](https://github.com/yireo/Yireo_FasterScriptLoader) - Replacing all `data-mage-init` and `x-magento-init` with `require()` - Do NOT use it. This is not adding any benefits yet. Note that this is all experimental
# Remove silly CSS Layout file `default.xml`: ```xml
# RequireJS replacements File `requirejs-config.js` ```js var config = { paths: { //'knockoutjs/knockout-fast-foreach': 'js/zero', //'knockoutjs/knockout-es5': 'js/zero', 'mage/calendar': 'js/zero', 'Magento_Ui/js/grid/filters/range': 'js/zero', 'mage/polyfill': 'js/zero', //'mage/menu': 'js/zero', 'mage/translate-inline': 'js/zero', 'Magento_Captcha/js/model/captcha': 'js/zero', //'jquery/jquery-migrate': 'js/zero', //'Magento_Ui/js/lib/logger/logger': 'js/zero', //'Magento_Ui/js/lib/logger/formatter': 'js/zero', //'Magento_Ui/js/lib/logger/console-logger': 'js/zero', } }; ```
# Todo - Upgrades of jQuery, Knockout, RequireJS - Currently adding in size, not reducing it - Replace CSS/JS default menu with simple CSS-only menu - We don't need JS for this anymore. But I'm not a CSS expert. - Replace JS-driven breadcrumbs with plain HTML-only - Who cares about the JS logic here?
# Proven optimizations - Bundle JS with Magepack - Replace Fotorama (with Notorama) - Add Webp2 images - Hack with SwissupLabs Breeze
# Magepack ```bash composer require creativestyle/magesuite-magepack bin/magento module:enable MageSuite_Magepack bin/magento setup:upgrade bin/magento config:set dev/js/enable_magepack_js_bundling 1 ``` ```bash npm install -g magepack magepack generate --cms-url="http://magento.local" --category-url="http://magento.local/women/" --product-url="http://magento.local/training/hyva" magepack bundle ``` Refer to [magesuite/magepack](https://github.com/magesuite/magepack)
# Webp2 ```bash composer require yireo/magento2-webp2 bin/magento module:enable Yireo_Webp2 Yireo_NextGenImages bin/magento setup:upgrade bin/magento config:set yireo_webp2/settings/enabled 1 ```
# Swissup Breeze ### A fresh wind for your Magento Frontend What is Swissup Breeze? And how does it work? It's an alternative JavaScript frontend for Magento 2 that boosts the default Luma theme performance by replacing all scripts with simplified and/or updated versions
# SwissupLabs Breeze setup Run the following commands ```bash composer require swissup/module-marketplace bin/magento setup:upgrade bin/magento marketplace:channel:enable swissuplabs composer require swissup/breeze bin/magento module:enable Swissup_Breeze ``` Next, navigate to your theme configuration and enable Breeze
# Homepage without Breeze
- Magento 2.3.4 clean install - Sample data - Redis cache enabled - Lighthouse Mobile test results
# Homepage with Breeze
- Magento 2.3.4 clean install - Sample data - Redis cache enabled - Lighthouse Mobile test results
# Category page without Breeze
- Magento 2.3.4 clean install - Sample data - Redis cache enabled - Lighthouse Mobile test results
# Category page with Breeze
- Magento 2.3.4 clean install - Sample data - Redis cache enabled - Lighthouse Mobile test results
# Product page with Breeze
- Magento 2.3.4 clean install - Sample data - Redis cache enabled - Lighthouse Mobile test results
# Result from actual site with Luma-based theme
# Result from actual site with Snowdog-based theme
# Pros of using Breeze (1/3) Replaces “old” Magento scripts, with simplified and updated versions Library replacements & additions: - jQuery => Cash - https://github.com/fabiospampinato/cash - Underscore => Newest Underscore Version - https://underscorejs.org/ - Knockout => Newest Knockout Version - https://knockoutjs.com/ - [turbolinks](https://github.com/turbolinks/turbolinks) See http://docs.swissuplabs.com/m2/extensions/breeze/devdocs/js-stack/
# Pros of using Breeze (2/3) Removing pointless CSS - `mage/calendar.css` - `mage/gallery/gallery.css`
# Pros of using Breeze (3/3) Replaces numerous Magento JS core scripts - Better product gallery - Better swatch renderer - See `view/frontend/layout/breeze_default.xml`
# Cons of using Breeze You need to make your theme and extensions “Breeze-friendly”. Since the Breeze replaces javascript code with its own version, you will need to write separate Breeze-compatible version of your javascript code. See http://docs.swissuplabs.com/m2/extensions/breeze/devdocs/
# Conclusion on Breeze A nice alternative to update the Luma stack with newer and faster scripts, making the Magento 2 front-end faster, but… Next to your theme, you need to change and administer your extensions to be Breeze compatible. It’s a good option if you don't have to many 3rd party extensions.
# All in all, what we can do - Tune the hell out of the backend - Add Breeze, Magepack, WebP, Notorama And contemplate on what is next in the future
# Conclusion - Maybe this is not really worth it