# Magento 2 Frontends # in 2022
# Jisse Reitsma - Founder of Yireo - Member of ExtDN - Creator of MageTestFest (2017, 2019) - Creator of Reacticon (2018 x2, 2020, 2021) - Magento Master 2017/2018/2019 Mover - Trainer of backend and frontend developers
# My Magento story - Built first shop with Magento 1.0 - Build first shop with Magento 1.1 - Became a Magento extension provider - Became a Magento trainer - Became disappointed with Magento Luma in 2015
# Magento 2 frontends in 2022 - Magento Blank & Magento Luma - Snowdog SASS - Snowdog Alpaca - Vue Storefront 1 or 2 - Magento / Adobe PWA Studio - GraphCommerce - Hyvä - ...
# Luma dissected
# Luma stack (server-based) - XML layout - Block classes - ViewModel classes - PHTML templates
# Quick tips for development - Enable all caching - Except Full Page Cache - Use Mage2TV Cache Cleaner - Use XDebug only On-Demand - Enable Zend OPC - Use Redis for caching
# Caching architecture - Caching frontends - Tags, types - Caching backends - Filesystem, database, Redis, memcached - Reverse proxies / CDNs - Full Page Cache via Varnish
Beware of `cacheable=true`
# Luma stack (client-based) - RequireJS - KnockoutJS - jQuery - LESS-based CSS
So how does this perform?
# Core Web Vitals - First Input Delay (FID) - Measures interactivity - Within 100 milliseconds - Largest Contentful Paint (LCP) - Measures loading performance - Within 2.5 seconds - Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS) - Measures visual stability - 0.1 or less
# Reporting tools - Google Lighthouse - Google PageSpeed Insights - GTmetrix - Pingdom - Web Page Test
# The problem of RequireJS - Async loading - Waterfall mess - Too many resources - And you benefit less/little from HTTP2
And it is old
# The problem of KnockoutJS - Lazyloaded via RequireJS - No VirtualDOM - Magento made a mess of it
And it is old
# The problem of jQuery - jQuery 3 is not supported (yet) - So we are using jQuery 1 which is larger - jQuery UI modularization is not supported by all extensions - So we are using jQuery UI in full which is huge
And it is old
# jQuery UI modularization Bad: ```js define([ 'jquery', 'jquery/ui' ], function() { ... }); ``` Good: ```js define([ 'jquery', 'jquery-ui-modules/datepicker' ], function() { ... }); ```
See `lib/web/jquery/compat.js`
# The problem of LESS/CSS - Weird responsiveness with recursive loop - Badly organized - Too many files
And LESS is old
# Let's fix this
# Basic optimization - Enable caching - Run Production Mode - Use up-to-date PHP - Enable Zend OPC, disable Xdebug - Tune MySQL - Compress everything - Downsize images - Serve fonts locally
# My own experimental optimizations - [yireo-training/Yireo_OptimizedTheme](https://github.com/yireo-training/Yireo_OptimizedTheme) - Removing unneeded things like `calendar.css` and others - Knockout replacements - [yireo-training/magento2-example-jquery-upgrade](https://github.com/yireo-training/magento2-example-jquery-upgrade) - Upgrade jQuery 1 to jQuery 3
# Proven optimizations - Bundle JS with Magepack - Replace Fotorama (with Notorama) - Add Webp2 images - Hack with SwissupLabs Breeze - Enable Full Page Cache with or without Varnish
And backend optizations like composer replacements, database tuning, external search engines, etc
# Magepack ```bash composer require creativestyle/magesuite-magepack bin/magento module:enable MageSuite_Magepack bin/magento setup:upgrade bin/magento config:set dev/js/enable_magepack_js_bundling 1 ``` ```bash npm install -g magepack magepack generate --cms-url="http://magento.local" --category-url="http://magento.local/women/" --product-url="http://magento.local/training/hyva" magepack bundle ```
Refer to [github](https://github.com/magesuite/magepack)
# Webp2 ```bash composer require yireo/magento2-webp2 bin/magento module:enable Yireo_Webp2 Yireo_NextGenImages bin/magento setup:upgrade bin/magento config:set yireo_webp2/settings/enabled 1 ```
# SwissupLabs Breeze setup Run the following commands ```bash composer require swissup/module-marketplace bin/magento setup:upgrade bin/magento marketplace:channel:enable swissuplabs composer require swissup/breeze bin/magento module:enable Swissup_Breeze ``` Next, navigate to your theme configuration and enable Breeze
# Breeze features - Removing pointless CSS - `mage/calendar.css` - `mage/gallery/gallery.css` - Replaces numerous Magento JS core scripts - Updates of numerous 3rd party libraries - Better product gallery - Better swatch renderer - See `view/frontend/layout/breeze_default.xml` - Addition of [turbolinks](https://github.com/turbolinks/turbolinks) - Also see [devdocs](https://docs.swissuplabs.com/m2/extensions/breeze/devdocs/)
But: For this to work, your own JS needs to be converted to the Breeze structure ([docs](https://docs.swissuplabs.com/m2/extensions/breeze/devdocs/theme-js/))
# Full Page Cache ```bash bin/magento cache:enable full_page ```
Remove any third party extension that disallows you to use the Full Page Cache (like setting `cacheable="false"`)
# Varnish - Frontend proxy for large traffic - Varnish Cache vs Varnish Plus - Varnish 3 - No SSL support - Varnish 4, 5 or higher - SSL support via SSL termination - SSL terminators: Hitch, Pound, HAProxy, Nginx, Apache - Other addons - `vmod` modules like Saint Mode
# Varnish in Magento - VCL configuration file + Generated via Magento Store Configuration + *Advanced > System > Full Page Cache*
# This is all trying to fix something that is broken from the start
# Luma hasn't been modernized in 6 years time
# AMP vs PWA vs SPA
# Actual meanings -
Accelerated Mobile Pages
- Subset of HTML and JS offered and working through Google Search (kind of) -
Progressive Web Apps
- Adding progressively (mobile) features to make site behave like app -
Single Page Application
- Load simple HTML skeleton, then build DOM using JS - Commonly built with React and Vue
And **Something, something, headless**
# So what is PWA? (features) - Offline behaviour - Requires a service worker - Push notifications - Requires a service worker - Add to dashboard - Requires a `manifest.json` - Splash screen - Requires a `manifest.json` - ...
Theoretically any browser feature (which requires some JS API to be useful) could be labeled as a PWA feature
# So what is PWA? (technologies) - Service worker (`sw.js`) - Manifest file (`manifest.json`) - In case of an SPA - HTML skeleton / application shell - JavaScript (React, Vue, ...) - API calls (REST, GraphQL)
# Adding PWA to Magento - [monsoonconsulting/magento2-pwa](https://github.com/monsoonconsulting/magento2-pwa) - ...
Or build an SPA with React or Vue
# Magento PWA Studio
# ~~Magento PWA Studio~~ # Adobe PWA Studio
# Adobe PWA Studio - React components and hooks - Venia theme - Peregrine hooks (talons) - Webpack environment - Buildpack with Google Workbox - UPWARD proxy - GraphQL API - Included with Magento 2.3+ - React uses Apollo Client to connect
# Getting started with React Create React App: ```bash npx create-react-app my-app cd my-app yarn start ```
# Let's create a React counter
# PWA Studio quick start PWA setup: ```bash yarn create @magento/pwa yarn watch ```
# Quick GraphQL rundown
# Main PWA Studio pilars - Venia Concept theme - Venia UI component library - Peregrine hook library - Buildpack - Interception API - UPWARD for SSR
# Extending Venia - Tree replacement - Webpack-based replacements - Targetables
# Tree replacement - Let's add `Example` component to `Main` component - Override `Main` component - Override `App` component - Override `index.js` component
# Webpack-based replacements - Foomans Override Resolver - Lars Roettig his method - Custom Webpack solution - ...
# Target interception - Trick in Webpack - Features - Create routes - Offer rich content renderers (for PageBuilder) - Wrapping talons - Add custom Webpack transformations - Transform UPWARD - Targetables
# Example targetable ```js const { Targetables } = require('@magento/pwa-buildpack') module.exports = targets => { const targetables = Targetables.using(targets); const Header = targetables.reactComponent( '@magento/venia-ui/lib/components/Header/header.js' ); Header.insertAfterJSX('
', '
') } ```
# SSR - Currently supported via UPWARD - UPWARD PHP is dead-slow - UPWARD YAML is horrible to read - UPWARD is going to be deprecated
# Key take-aways - Venia is a Concept Theme, not a parent theme - Target Interception allows for extensibility but makes things complex as well - UPWARD will be phased out, React SSR will be used instead - Why use Buildpack?
Perhaps building your own component tree and then adding PWA Studio elements is an option?
# Vue Storefront 2
# Vue Storefront 2 - Vue 2 - NuxtJS - Modular architecture - Shopify - Or other backend systems - CMS, ElasticSearch, ERPs, etc
Vue Storefront 2 connector for Magento 2 is almost done
# Getting started ```bash npm i -g @vue-storefront/cli vsf init vsf2demo ``` ```bash cd vsf2demo yarn install yarn dev ```
# Key concept - Vue components with composables - Vue composable state - Apollo Client for GraphQL calls - SSR built into (thanks to Nuxt) - Overriding components is not supported
Perhaps building your own component tree and then adding Vue Storefront 2 elements is an option?
# Example override File `nuxt.config.js`: ```js export default { build: { extend(config) { config.resolve.plugins = [ new Vsf2ThemeInheritancePlugin({ originalPath: path.resolve(__dirname, 'components'), newPath: path.resolve(__dirname, 'custom-components') }) ] } } } ```
See https://github.com/yireo/vsf2-webpack-inheritance-plugin
# GraphCommerce
# Headless?
# The definition of headless - Separating backend from frontend - Different teams, same project - Other buzzwords - Microservices, microfrontends, composable commerce
# Hyvä
# Hyvä - Same backend stack as Luma - XML layout, Blocks, ViewModels, PHTML - Different frontend stack - Tailwind CSS, AlpineJS
Why? Check the speed (but not just via Lightspeed)
# Tailwind & Alpine in Hyvä - PHTML templates - Tailwind CSS classes in HTML - CSS builds - Tailwind dev build vs prod build (+ purging) - Tailwind JIT - CMS support including PageBuilder - Minimal JS usage - Only for dynamic effects or private content - Checkout - Eiter original Luma or React-based or ...?
# Challenges with Hyvä - Growing community - Learn Tailwind/Alpine/Magento first, then call for help - Support for third party extensions - Compatibility matrix, compatibility modules - Checkout options are in progress - Regular checkout is supported - React Checkout has just reached alpha-state
# Converting extensions - Create a compatibility module - Like `Hyva_YireoOld` - Automatically override all PHTML templates - Rewrite all code - Tailwind, Alpine, custom logic
# Summary
# Yireo promo - All extensions are free, except one: EmailTester2 - On-site training - Magento 2, Shopware 6, Vue, Vue Storefront 2, React, GraphQL - On-Demand courses - Vue Storefront 1 - Magento PWA Studio - Magento Backend Development - Magento Luma Development - Magento Hyvä Development - Shopware PWA (summer 2022) - Magento Backend Development (summer 2022)
# Magento 2 frontending in 2022 - Don't refer to Luma as **THE** Magento 2 frontend anymore - Hyvä is a fierce competitor - For Magento developers - Adobe PWA Studio is a fierce competitor - For React developers - Vue Storefront 2 is a fierce competitor - For Vue developers
# Magento 2 backending in 2022 - Magento 2.5 would bring more Service Oriented Architecture - gRPC, isolated services, composable commerce - Adobe will downsize Magento (according to Jisse) - E-commerce is meant for Adobe Experience Cloud - More cloud features will become open-source features (like PageBuilder) - Magento Association should become more prominent
# Questions