# Downsizing Magento 2 ## because less is more ### Presented to you by Jisse Reitsma
# Jisse Reitsma - Founder of Yireo - Trainer of backend and frontend developers - Magento, React, PWA Studio, Vue Storefront, GraphQL - Creator of MageTestFest (2017, 2019) - Creator of Reacticon (2018 x2) - Creator of Reacticon v3 (October 2021) - Creator of Reacticon v4 (June 2021) - Magento Master 2017/2018/2019 Mover - Member of ExtDN (Magento Extension Developer Network)
# Magento of today # in technical numbers
# Magento core of today - 519 composer packages - 346 modules - Numerous features that you might not need
# Core features - GraphQL API - Multi Source Inventory (MSI) - Bundled extensions
# Bundled extensions - Amazon - Braintree - Dotmailer - Klarna - Temando - Vertex - Yotpo
# Removing modules
# Disable specific modules ```bash bin/magento module:disable Foo_Bar ```
# Disable unneeded modules ```bash bin/magento module:disable Magento_AdvancedPricingImportExport Magento_AdminNotification Magento_Authorizenet Magento_Braintree Magento_Bundle Magento_BundleImportExport Magento_CacheInvalidate Magento_Captcha Magento_CatalogRuleConfigurable Magento_CatalogWidget Magento_CheckoutAgreements Magento_ConfigurableImportExport Magento_ConfigurableProduct Magento_Cookie Magento_CurrencySymbol Magento_CustomerImportExport Magento_Deploy Magento_Dhl Magento_DownloadableImportExport Magento_EncryptionKey Magento_Fedex Magento_GoogleAdwords Magento_GoogleAnalytics Magento_GoogleOptimizer Magento_GroupedImportExport Magento_LayeredNavigation Magento_Marketplace Magento_Multishipping Magento_NewRelicReporting Magento_OfflinePayments Magento_OfflineShipping Magento_Paypal Magento_Persistent Magento_ProductVideo Magento_SalesInventory Magento_SendFriend Magento_Sitemap Magento_Swagger Magento_Swatches Magento_SwatchesLayeredNavigation Magento_TaxImportExport Magento_Ups Magento_Usps Magento_Vault Magento_Version Magento_Webapi Magento_WebapiSecurity Magento_Weee ``` Reference https://www.integer-net.com/why-and-how-to-disable-magento-2-core-modules-improve-performance/
# Disable GraphQl modules ```bash bin/magento module:disable `bin/magento module:status | grep -i graphql` ```
# Replacing it with nothing File `composer.json`: ```json { ... "replace": { "magento/module-marketplace": "*" }, ... } ```
# Common things to replace File `composer.json`: ```json "replace": { "amzn/amazon-pay-and-login-magento-2-module": "*", "amzn/amazon-pay-and-login-with-amazon-core-module": "*", "amzn/amazon-pay-module": "*", "amzn/amazon-pay-sdk-php": "*", "amzn/login-with-amazon-module": "*", "astock/stock-api-libphp": "*", "braintree/braintree": "*", "braintree/braintree_php": "*", "dotmailer/dotmailer-magento2-extension": "*", "dotmailer/dotmailer-magento2-extension-chat": "*", "dotmailer/dotmailer-magento2-extension-enterprise": "*", "dotmailer/dotmailer-magento2-extension-package": "*", ... ```
# What don't you need - Core extensions if you don't use them - Bundled extensions if you don't use them - GraphQL if you don't have a PWA shop - MSI if you want to use the legacy - ...
# Yireo composer packages ```bash composer require yireo/magento2-replace-bundled composer require yireo/magento2-replace-content-staging composer require yireo/magento2-replace-core composer require yireo/magento2-replace-graphql composer require yireo/magento2-replace-inventory composer require yireo/magento2-replace-sample-data composer require yireo/magento2-replace-all ``` Don't just use all of this, especially `yireo/magento2-replace-all` See https://github.com/yireo/magento2-replace-tools
# Yireo RemoveSearch - Magento 2.4 enforces the use of ElasticSearch - Even if you don't want to use a traditional search - Yireo_RemoveSearch removes all search (ES, MySQL, everything)! - Use with care See https://github.com/yireo/Yireo_RemoveSearch
# Removing other stuff
# Removing other stuff Regular HTML source ```html
# Removing other stuff Regular HTML source: ```html
``` XML layout: ```xml
# Removing more XML layout: ```xml
# Replacing unneeded JavaScript ```js var config = { paths: { 'mage/calendar': 'js/zero', 'Magento_Ui/js/grid/filters/range': 'js/zero', 'mage/polyfill': 'js/zero', 'mage/translate-inline': 'js/zero', 'Magento_Captcha/js/model/captcha': 'js/zero', } }; ```
# Todo - Upgrades of jQuery, Knockout, RequireJS - Currently adding in size, not reducing it - Replace CSS/JS default menu with simple CSS-only menu - We don't need JS for this anymore. But I'm not a CSS expert. - Replace JS-driven breadcrumbs with plain HTML-only - Who cares about the JS logic here? - See https://github.com/yireo-training/Yireo_OptimizedTheme - Removing various scripts that appear not to be needed. - But do NOT apply it. Use its ideas, not its source. - See https://github.com/yireo/Yireo_FasterScriptLoader - Replacing all `data-mage-init` and `x-magento-init` with `require()` - Do NOT use it. This is not adding any benefits yet. - Compare all of this with new frontends - Vue Storefront - Magento PWA Studio - Hyvä (hyva.io)
# Downsizing images - Yireo_Webp2 - Converting JPG & PNG into WebP - 10-30% reduction in size - https://github.com/yireo/Yireo_Webp2 - Coming up: Yireo_NextGenImages - Support for Webp, AVIF, JPEG2000, ... - 10-60% reduction in size
# The Magento frontend sucks ## But you can make it suck less
# Don't just use what Magento offers you ## Customize it, so it fits your needs
# Thanks ## @jissereitsma / @yireo